Answers to your questions.

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FAQs for The Virtual Experience

+ How do I prepare my skin for The Facets of Skin Virtual Experience?

In order to get the best understanding of your skin in a virtual setting, we require that you please avoid the use of the following for 7-10 days prior to BOTH your consultation appointment and your Facets of Skin Virtual Experience appointment: retinol, acids, scrubs, benzoyl peroxide, and topical prescriptions, facial waxing, excessive use of at-home tools, injectables.

+ Do I need to bring anything to my virtual advanced consultation appointment?

You may want to bring a piece of paper and a pen to your advanced consultation appointment, although you will receive a recap of everything discussed. You are invited to have all of your current skincare products and at-home tools with you so that Shana best understands your current skincare routine.

+ Do I need to do anything prior to my one hour virtual consultation appointment?

Yes! You will receive a questionnaire and some forms to fill out. These will need to be submitted 24 hours prior to your appointment, and you can do so online.

+ Do I need to bring anything to my Facets of Skin Virtual Experience appointment?

Yes! Please have the following in order to have the most successful FSVE:

Internet and Zoom access

A piece of paper and a pen

Your skincare appropriate for the time of day (morning routine for daytime, nighttime routine for evening)

A hands-free mirror

One bowl of warm water and one bowl of cool water

Two washcloths, two hand towels

Your favorite scent that evokes calm (can be a candle, body spray, room spray, anything you like)

Your favorite music or sound that evokes calm

Wear your favorite comfy clothes (a low neck tee or tank top is preferred if possible)

Be makeup free

All of these are an exercise in mindful intention - look at you being all mindfully beautiful and stuff!


FAQs for The In-Person Experience

+ How do I prepare my skin for The Facets of Skin In-Person Experiences?

We require that you please avoid the use of the following for 7-10 days prior to all Facets of Skin In-Person Experiences, including the advanced consultation: retinol, acids, scrubs, benzoyl peroxide, and topical prescriptions, facial waxing, excessive use of at-home tools, injectables.

+ Do I need to bring anything to my in-person advanced consultation appointment?

You may want to bring a piece of paper and a pen to your advanced consultation appointment, although you will receive a recap of everything discussed. You are invited to have all of your current skincare products and at-home tools with you so that we best understand your current skincare routine.

+ Do I need to do anything prior to my one hour in-person consultation appointment?

Yes! You will receive a questionnaire and some forms to fill out. These will need to be submitted at least 24 hours prior to your appointment, and you can do so online.

+ What is an “aging plan”, and at what age does this start?

An aging plan is a fluid design of how one chooses to aesthetically age. Are you interested in Botox right now? Maybe, maybe not. Do you see plastic surgery as an option someday? Maybe, maybe not.

Do you prefer non-invasive maintenance when it comes to aging? Maybe, maybe not. All of this may be a part of your plan, but no worries, we meet you where you’re at because ultimately we believe you know what is best for you. We help with referrals where needed, and we will address external and internal aging factors where appropriate.

You’ll have a better idea of skincare, tools, and modalities that can help maintain your skin according to your choices - and we keep the plan flexible because we know we don’t think the same way when we’re 20 as when we’re 30, or 40, or so on. It’s always okay to change your mind, and we’ll shift your plan accordingly.

+ Why don’t you use the term “anti-aging”?

We don’t like it. If we’re being literal, if we really are anti aging, meaning against aging, we’d be dead. Aging is a privilege. We like living our best lives. Come join us! And hug your grandparents.

+ Why don’t you believe in sharing before & afters?

Before & after photos show the tiniest glimpse of the story behind a client’s results.

There is so much that goes into one individual’s results, not limited to but including: lifestyle/diet, stress level and overall health, changes to overall health, medication, medical history, work-life balance, mental health, family life, genetics, home care regimen and dedication level, in-person treatments, level of contraindications present/not present to in-person treatments or products, the list could go on.

We may share one from time to time, but we just don’t like FOMO and don’t want to perpetuate it too much, ya know? The only thing you should FOMO is being YOU, ya dig?


General FAQs

+ What is your cancellation policy?

We do understand that “life happens while we are making other plans”. That said, running a business takes attention to detail and resources, too. So we require 24 hour notice for cancellations and reschedules. Failure to provide at least 24 hour notice will result in forfeiting the 50% deposit.

+ What is your policy for lateness?

It has happened to all of us at one point or another. We will do our best to give you as much of the full service as possible in the time we have; however, we cannot guarantee you will receive the full service and to be fair to the next client, we will not delay the start time of the next appointment.

We recommend preparing for your appointment the day before by gathering all of the items you will need. For example, if you’re coming in for the advanced consultation, pack up all of your skincare products and tools the day before. For our virtual experiences, we also recommend getting to your Zoom link 7 minutes prior to appointment start time. For in-person experiences, please arrive at our location 10 minutes prior to your appointment start time. Carve out this time for yourself and respect it - you deserve it.

+ What about no shows?

If you are a no-show the 50% deposit is forfeited. You may reschedule, but will have to make a new deposit. If you are a no show on two separate occasions, we will no longer be able to provide your services.

+ What is your Covid-19 policy?

We understand at this time it’s important for all of our clients and staff to know what we are doing to help keep everyone safe. So first, we want you to know that the cornerstone of skin care education and licensing in NJ is sanitation and disinfection. As skin care specialists, we are taught to put client safety in all things first, so the CDC guidelines we are now employing come very naturally to Facets of Skin Aesthetics.

We are following all CDC guidelines and protocols. We require all staff to wear a mask while at work, and during all facial appointments. Clients must wear a mask while in our building, suite, and treatment room until it is time to start the facial, and we are enforcing social distancing where applicable.

Cleaning with medical grade disinfectants is required at the start and end of the day, as well as in-between each and every appointment. All staff and clients will have access to hand sanitizer and handwashing stations, and all payments are to be contactless until further notice. We are not having clients disrobe at this time. If a staff member is feeling unwell, or showing any symptoms of Covid-19, they are required to stay home.

Please do not bring a guest with you as they are unable to wait in the lobby. If you are unwell or showing any Covid-19 symptoms within the last 14 days, please reach out to let us know. We will honor your privacy, and reschedule your appointment. And lastly, please know that as national and local guidelines change, so too will our policy and protocols.

+ What is your service promise to your clients?

Our work with our clients is the absolute most important thing to us, and we treasure the opportunity to serve you. We want you to be completely happy with your services and products. Keeping in mind that skin care is a marathon not a sprint, if you have a concern kindly reach out to us directly at and we will gladly hear you out. If we are at fault, we will certainly do what we can to make it right!

+ Where do I park my car?

There is plenty of free parking right in front of our building.

+ Why is the questionnaire so detailed? You need to know how often I poop?

Yep, we do. When we say advanced consultation, we mean it. A lot of factors can affect your skin including lifestyle, environmental stressors, work-life balance, and even bathroom habits. There’s a method to our madness, we promise. Please know we do not ask any of these questions out of judgment or disrespect. We ask only to get a clear, full picture so we can best help you.

+ How do I contact you?

The best way to reach us is at or you can text us at 856-363-0684.

+ Right to Refuse Service

We want our employees and clients to feel peaceful and empowered when they’re at FSA. To help uphold this goal, we ask everyone to please be decent human beings.

We do have the right to refuse service to anyone who is disrespectful or engaging in belligerent behaviors such as bullying or intolerance; anyone who is intoxicated; anyone who is contraindicated to skin services that day.

We hope you understand and that you treasure the environment at FSA so much that you’ll help us ensure everyone else does, too.